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Resources | HKCBA Vancouver


Information at your fingertips! The Hong Kong-Canada Business Association has compiled a list of resources for organizations looking to expand their business abroad to Hong Kong and beyond, as well as Asian companies interested in bringing their business to Canada. 


Domestic Services

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada: The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is a not-for-profit organization focused on Canada’s relations with Asia, acting as a catalyst for engagement between the two regions. The foundation provides access to research reports, surveys, statistics and a daily Canada-Asia News Service, hosts a range of events and supports Canadian policy research on Asia through its grants program.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong: The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (CANCHAM) is a proactive, non-government body that provides an extensive networking platform for over 1200 members with business interests in Canada, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the broader Asia-Pacific region. CANCHAM is the largest Canadian business organization outside of Canada, one of the most active international chambers in Hong Kong, and an influential business group in Asia-Pacific.

Canadian Trade Commissioner ServiceAs part of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps organizations succeed globally. The TCS in Hong Kong can offer businesses with on-the-ground intelligence, qualified contacts, partnership opportunities and practical advice to achieve your company’s goals abroad.

Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong: In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region, Canada is represented by its Consulate General in Hong Kong. The Consulate provides a number of services for both Canadians living abroad as well as citizens of Hong Kong interested in Canada. In addition, there is a wealth of information for doing business in both Hong Kong and Canada, as well Canada-Hong Kong bilateral relations.


International Services

Government of Hong Kong Companies Registry: The Registry registers local and non-Hong Kong companies and statutory returns, de-registers defunct solvent companies and provides the public with services and facilities for inspecting and obtaining company information kept by the Registry.

Hong Kong e-Legislation: Provides convenient and free public access to the Laws of Hong Kong in English and Chinese versions.

Hong Kong Trade and Economic Office Canada (HKETO): As the official representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Canada, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office serves as a link to facilitate the economic and trade relations between Hong Kong and Canada. With an office in Toronto and Vancouver, HKETO organizes business seminars and events, hosts delegations from Hong Kong and vice versa, answers public enquiries and provides updates relating to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC): The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) serves as a statutory body dedicated to promoting Hong Kong trade. Its mission is to create opportunities for Hong Kong companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, by promoting trade in goods and services globally. HKTDC leads a number of trade missions across various industries to Hong Kong each year, publishes research and reports on opportunities available to Canadian businesses and provides services to support companies expanding to and within Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Tourism Board: The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) is a government-subvented body tasked with marketing and promoting Hong Kong as a travel destination worldwide and to enhance visitors' experience once they arrive. HKTB’s website has a wealth of information on travelling to Hong Kong and tourist activities to suit everyone’s interests.

Hong Kong Welcomes U: This one-stop web portal provides information for people considering a move to Hong Kong to work, invest or study. The portal centralizes a wide range of information on employment, education, investment and immigration matters as well as social, recreational and cultural activities.

InvestHK: InvestHK works with overseas and Mainland entrepreneurs, SMEs and multinationals who wish to setup an office, or expanding their existing business, in Hong Kong. InvestHK offers free advice and services to support companies from planning their entry right through the launch and expansion of their business. 


Publications and Research

Canada: Reaching your goal in HK Success Stories: This publication profiles 16 successful Canadian companies who have taken the leap in successfully launching their businesses in Hong Kong.

Canada’s Asia Challenge – Building Skills and Knowledge for the Next Generation” Conference Report: This report summarizes the key findings of the “Canada’s Asia Challenge: Building Skills and Knowledge for the Next Generation” conference held in Calgary in October 2014. The report reflects many of the contributions from speakers and participants, providing a ‘road map’ for moving forward.

China Research Partnership: The China Research Partnership is a collaboration between five Canadian Institutions dedicated to the study of China. The goal is to aggregate and share Canadian research, news, activities, and other resources on China.

Hong Kong 2014: A book outlining new information and cultural insights for entrepreneurs starting a business in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong as a Knowledge-based Economy - A Statistical Perspective: Through graphical presentations and succinct commentaries, the publication aims at portraying the development of Hong Kong towards a knowledge-based economy (KBE) from different perspectives.

Intellectual Property Rights Challenges Facing Foreign and Canadian Companies in China – Survey Results and Analysis: China’s intellectual property (IP) regime continues to present major challenges for foreign companies despite recent improvements. While much has been published on intellectual property rights (IPR) issues in China, little information is available on what specific IPR issues Canadian businesses tend to experience in their engagement with China.

Investment Monitor: The APF Canada Investment Monitor captures, visualizes, analyzes, and reports on Canada’s two-way investment relations with Asia Pacific.

One Belt, One Road Initiative: The “One Belt, One Road” Initiative – the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road – is key part of China’s development strategy. The “One Belt, One Road” initiative, with its extensive reach across a number of regions, represent clear development opportunities for Hong Kong.

Report on Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong Representing Parent Companies located outside Hong Kong: This annual publication presents statistics on the economic characteristics of the regional headquarters, regional offices and local offices in Hong Kong representing their parent companies located outside Hong Kong. It also presents views on the attractiveness of Hong Kong as a location for setting up a business.

Setting up in Hong Kong: This publication captures the 5 easy steps involved in setting up a business in Hong Kong.

The Asia Factor: The Asia Factor is a comprehensive resource of information and analysis on Canada-Asia relations assessing opportunities and challenges at the provincial level.

The Economic Freedom of the World: 2017 Annual Report: Hong Kong again ranks 1st place in 2017. The world’s premier measurement of economic freedom, ranking countries based on five areas: size of government, legal structure and security of property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade internationally, and regulation of credit, labour and business.

World Bank Doing Business 2018 Hong Kong SAR, China: Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium size business when complying with relevant regulations in Hong Kong. 


News Sources


*Please note that neither the author nor the HKCBA assumes or accepts any responsibility for the content of the sites listed above and herein, and they do not endorse the creators of these sites. Users should use these sites and the information contained therein at their own risk.

Trade Missions

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), in conjunction with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO), Hong Kong Tourism Board and the HKCBA organize a number of Canadian trade missions to Hong Kong for businesses looking to expand into Asia as well as develop long-term trade and investment relationships.

Make sure to check out our HKCBA National site for more information, resources and opportunities to engage across Canada.